Friday, July 31, 2009

Time Management

A time management consultant once advised me abt career-family life balance:

"People always say they don't have enough time, while in effect they are not prioritizing their available time. I mean if you are going to die in a few hours, will you still go to the office or stay home with your family?"

Time management is not abt time, it is abt priorities in life.

On-line Life

I need to structure my weekly life better !!! Too much time is spent on blogging - ironically that is exactly what I am doing at this very moment. It should be the blog serving me instead of I serving the blog. This sounds simple, but one can get addicted to on-line life instead of the real one!!! Gotta go and get some REAL work done in the REAL world !!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

兩週一聚七月專題:接龍估香港街名 (謎底答案#2) / 2weeks1gather: Guess Street Names of Hong Kong (Answer#2)


猜香港島街名: XXX

謎面: 孫福煕 【夏天的生活】 有云『綠蔭樹下,蟬鳴聲中,我們最好(去「XXX」先) ....』

謎底: 答案是北角「書局街」

孫福煕 【夏天的生活】全文:








Original link:

2weeks1gather: 七月專題:接龍估香港街名, 大家一起留言玩!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

兩週一聚七月專題:接龍估香港街名 (謎底答案#1) / 2weeks1gather: Guess Street Names of Hong Kong (Answers#1)


Haricot 的謎底答案 ....

1. 旺角亍名:『開門七件事!!』 柴米油鹽醬醋茶, 鼓油街 Soy Street, Monk Kok
2. 香港亍名: 『上氣唔接下氣!!」, 樓梯街Ladder Street, HK Island
3. 紅磡區街名: 『官樣文章!!」借音,蕪湖街Wuhu Street, Hung Hom


Original link:

2weeks1gather: 七月專題:接龍估香港街名, 大家一起留言玩!