Saturday, August 7, 2010

View of Table Mountain, South Africa

I was travelling on a bus when I took this snap shot of the clouds slowly rolling over the top of the mountain.


xiao zhu said...


michelle said...

wow, that blue !!!

Haricot 微豆 said...

Xiao Zhu:

>> ... 有點詭異 ..

哈!! 您真有「千里神眼」!!

根據南非傳說,那些白煙是每当海盜Van Hunks和魔鬼在山頂比賽吸煙丶吞雲吐霧時所做成的!!

Source of info: Wikipedia
"Table Mountain .... Legend attributes this (cloud) phenomenon to a smoking contest between the Devil and a local pirate called Van Hunks. When the table cloth (cloud) is seen, it symbolizes the contest. ..."

Haricot 微豆 said...


True blue !!

Photographic technology aside, I find the light and colours under the African sun are noticeably different (brighter and stronger) than those I observe around here.