Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Life and Time of Margaret Thatcher

The following are my comments posted on Inner Space's blog tonight ....

 Haricot 微豆 said...


Thank you for the informative blog article on the life and time of Margaret Thatcher who recently passed away.

No doubt, Thatcher was a controversial and an uncompromising leader for the United Kingdom.

However, my concern at the time was her alliance with Ronald Reagan to force the USSR into a corner during the Cold War thereby accelerating the doomsday clock toward mutually assured destruction (MAD).

I am glad I was wrong and my/our nightmare did not materialize.
Sunday, April 21, 2013 11:40:00 AM


The Inner Space said...

I have responded to HBB's comment on my side,I have reiterated that current US policies toward china is/ was neither Thatcherism nor Reaganism !!

Haricot 微豆 said...


If the US China Policy is neither Thatcherism nor Reaganism, are you implying then that there is a global pyramid scheme going on?

Since PRC is a major holder of the US debt, I would suggest that the uneasy Chinamerica partnership is going to continue for a while yet.


Your previous response:

Sunday, April 21, 2013 11:40:00 AM
The Inner Space said...

Dear HBB regarding thatcherism I am/ was more admiring about her crackdown of the labour unions intervening politics,and her small government big market policy!

AS for her leaning towards reagan‘s tactics toward coldwar you may want to read my archive: 美國靠借延續霸權

牛仔總統 列根 提出的《星戰計劃》,謂可利用部處在太空的激光武器,打落蘇聯的洲際核飛彈,繼而展開的美蘇軍事競賽,最後拖垮了蘇聯的經濟,以俄國為首的《華沙公約》和《蘇維埃社會主義共和國聯邦》分裂瓦解。
其實美國的國債更是驚人數字,之前宣布是十四萬億美元,不過每天都在增加著,到前天在坦帕灣《共和黨大會》內,有個《國債鐘 U.S. National Debt counter》,已經接近十六萬億美元。


自從美國放棄美元《金本位》這個聯繫,1969年美國國會正式改成,不再需要 25%黃金儲備才可以發鈔的局限,到了 1971年美國的 Richard Nixon 尼克遜總統,正式宣布廢除依照 Bretton Woods Agreement 中美元的 Gold Standard 金本位 制度及承諾,正正式式過渡到 Fiat Money/ Currency 法定紙幣/貨幣 制度。

綠色的美鈔《Green Back》全世界流通,是全世界商品報價和貿易結算的貨幣,最反美最鐵幕的國家政府和人民也有私藏美元。另一方面美國的國債不斷膨脹,卻又可以無限量印鈔,去支付國民如無底深潭的無限需索,和國家龐大的軍費開銷。

end quoting

美國的猶太人利用逼日圓升值,變相美元對日圓貶值,日本人去到美國執平貨,SONY 進軍荷里活,又買了洛克菲勒中心,最後攪到日本經濟衰落二十多年。之後的星戰計劃,美國人的自殘也是自救,闘跨了蘇維埃,現在剩下俄國後,就專心對付中國,可惜因為 911嗮了十多年打反恐,又因軍費增加國債到十幾萬億。



美日都利用不斷印銀紙 。。。。。。但繼續在全世界撩事鬪非,這不並是戴卓爾主義啊!

Sunday, April 21, 2013 2:17:00 PM