Friday, May 7, 2010


My comments left at Dreamer's blog:

1. 我的中文生銹,沒有想到儍丶蠢丶錯的分別。
2. 我的輕狂似乎是跟隨著我長大。
3. 「人不輕狂枉少年」,跟著是不是「老尚風流是壽徵」?? 哈哈,講笑咋!!!

1 comment:

Haricot 微豆 said...


My FB friend: "..... I plan my future, in the coming 17 years when i reach 86 i will get a 3rd wife."

My response: 哈哈!! 「人不輕狂枉少年」,跟著下句是不是「老尚風流是壽徵」??



When we are young, we screw around (輕狂 in Chinese means reckless)

So does screwing around (風流 in Chinese implies sex) brings out the youth in seniors ???