Sunday, October 3, 2010

European Elections: The Swing to the Right

I read with interest Eva's Sept 21, 2010 blog article "周游列國 - 我們只想有安樂生活". The posted YouTube video shows a crowd demonstrating against a far-right, conservative, anti-immigration political party that has won seats in the recent election in Sweden. Here are my comments:

Haricot says on Oct 04, 2010 at 4:24 am:

I read some of the comments posted on YouTube (translated from Swedish to English). There are no surprises. Confronted by a society’s social-economic or political problems, some ppl will always find scapegoats to blame, be they immigrants, ethnic minorities, religious groups, GLBTs, and/or anyone who are considered “different and not one of us”.

Having said that, however, there are immigrant-specific issues (such as high unemployment, integration with mainstream society, youths, etc) that need to be dealt with rather than being swept under the carpet in the name of political correctness.

Eva's blog article:

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