Sunday, May 22, 2011

re: 60歲之前唔俾女人食飽飯

I left the following comments with Fresh Designer's 2011年5月19日 blog entitled "天生絶配!" (

Fresh Designer: ....老一輩的男人講過: 60歲之前唔俾女人食飽飯 ...


I think it was all abt control and power, similar to hostage taking.

In the old days, if a woman, as hostage to the man/husband/master, was always dependent on the latter for food, and by extension, lodging, comfort, and security, then the risk of the woman running away was much reduced.

I suppose a woman older than 60 would not be considered as "marketable" anymore and therefore not a flight risk. Beside, most men started to die off after 60 and they would need their women to help look after the family lineages and other affairs.

Those were the days !!

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