On the day my Mom left the rehab centre, the social worker there gave me an application for an Ottawa-Carleton Transpo attendant card (for myself) and a priority seating card (for my Mom). According to OC Transpo:
The Attendant Card is a photo-ID card that identifies a person who, because of their disability, requires assistance while travelling on OC Transpo's regular services and therefore requires an attendant. This card will allow the cardholder to have an attendant travel with them at no charge on OC Transpo.
The Priority Seating Card assists a person who has a disability or medical condition rendering it difficult or impossible for them to stand in a moving vehicle. When shown as ID, the holder is given priority to sit at the front of the bus in the designated cooperative seating ares.
Hopefully, upon presenting the said cards to able-body passengers in the front of the bus, my Mom will be offered a seat. But what if a rude and inconsiderate bus passenger refuses to vacate his/her seat? What then? Should I throw the rule-book at this individual, or should I patiently try to "educate" this person on the spot?
I will find out soon enough !!
Below are my comment and Fresh Designer's response re: the latter's 2011-03-31 blog article "天殘腳~" :
微豆: 新鮮兄 I hate to say this: When a society's civility 文明態度禮貌 is slipping away, the govt must start codifying and enforcing acceptable/unacceptable behaviours before the society passes beyond the point of no return. For example: In many SE countries, nobody stops for traffic lights anymore because there are little or no consequences for non-compliance.
新鮮人: haricot,我明白你的意思,但有些行為是道德上的操守,例如讓位給老人等,並不是可能白紙黑字的例入法律,這些要從教育開始, rather than 用刑法去規管!
(Link to Fresh Designer's article: http://freshdesigner.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_31.html)
The Attendant Card is a photo-ID card that identifies a person who, because of their disability, requires assistance while travelling on OC Transpo's regular services and therefore requires an attendant. This card will allow the cardholder to have an attendant travel with them at no charge on OC Transpo.
The Priority Seating Card assists a person who has a disability or medical condition rendering it difficult or impossible for them to stand in a moving vehicle. When shown as ID, the holder is given priority to sit at the front of the bus in the designated cooperative seating ares.
Hopefully, upon presenting the said cards to able-body passengers in the front of the bus, my Mom will be offered a seat. But what if a rude and inconsiderate bus passenger refuses to vacate his/her seat? What then? Should I throw the rule-book at this individual, or should I patiently try to "educate" this person on the spot?
I will find out soon enough !!
Below are my comment and Fresh Designer's response re: the latter's 2011-03-31 blog article "天殘腳~" :
微豆: 新鮮兄 I hate to say this: When a society's civility 文明態度禮貌 is slipping away, the govt must start codifying and enforcing acceptable/unacceptable behaviours before the society passes beyond the point of no return. For example: In many SE countries, nobody stops for traffic lights anymore because there are little or no consequences for non-compliance.
新鮮人: haricot,我明白你的意思,但有些行為是道德上的操守,例如讓位給老人等,並不是可能白紙黑字的例入法律,這些要從教育開始, rather than 用刑法去規管!
(Link to Fresh Designer's article: http://freshdesigner.blogspot.com/2011/03/blog-post_31.html)
點解沒有給一個 priority parking permit????
>> .... 點解沒有給一個 priority parking permit????
My Mom can actually limp along with a cane.
But I suppose if I apply for a priority parking permit (to be displayed on the dash of the vehicle using a designated parking space), I will probably get it.
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